Case study A two well trial case, delivering more than 30% overall ROP improvement. Each of the two wells comprising and comparing two lateral sections, one drilled with conventional blade stabilizers while the other with Fixedblade® stabilizers. Location: Gulf region Enhance drilling performance by improving energy transfer to the bit, reducing BHA hang up and motor stalling. Replace the conventional spiral blade stabilizers in the directional BHAs with the Fixedblade® design stabilizers and compare the overall performance. Improved energy transfer from the surface to the bit Fixedblade® stabilizers were deployed in two wells for an operator in the Gulf region for trial and technology acceptance purposes. 8” OD Fixedblade® stabilizers was positioned above the drive system as part of a steerable motor assembly. An in-depth performance comparison study between conventional spiral blade stabilizers and the Fixedblade® stabilizers was carried out by an independent 3rd party. Both wells consisted of a mother bore with two 8 ½” lateral horizontal sections. The first lateral was drilled with conventional blade stabilizers while the second was drilled with the Fixedblade® stabilizers. In order to ensure a like-for-like comparison, all other factors, such as rig, rig crew, mud, formations, bit, drive system, etc . . were kept the same. It should be noted, that whilst both laterals were approximately the same length, the lateral drilled with the Fixedblade® had more challenging trajectories with greater azimuthal adjustments (34º for Well A and 54º for Well B). The laterals with the conventional stabilizers had no turns included and could rotate throughout. Fixedblade Stabilizers enhance drilling performance for operator in The Gulf Region
>30% overall ROP improvement
Saved over 40 hrs of drilling time
No balling up of stabilizers
Lower levels of drilling torqueFixedblade deployment
Wells A and B
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